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Rules Updated 15th March 2005. I'm have never been huge on rules and I want this fanlisting to grow more than anything. But here are the basics to make sure you follow: * No web site, no problem you can still join with a valid email address but please make sure you check your email address the number of people who are sending in requests to join with invalid address is high. They will be deleted if not complete. It is important for me to have a valid email address as if I need to send a group message out to inform members about any changes to the fanlisting I need to be able to contact you. If you don’t want your address listed select to have it hidden when you join. * When it asks for your name I will no longer be accepting nicknames such as "Ziggythecomputer" but would need a really name. It is up to you how much of your name you wish to submit, you don't need to give your surname. (Present members of the fanlist with nicknames don't need to worry about this rule) * You don't need to have a web site but if you do you must link back to this site with either a text or graphic link. Link to http://www.nightmare-relm.co.uk/quantum and please save all images to your own server. I would appreciate it if you could have the link up as soon as possible after you submit your details (3-5 days) If I still can't find the link after this time I will still add you but will not link your site. If you think I will have trouble finding your link please give the url for the page where it can be found in the comments section. You don't need to have a favourite episode. * Must be a fan of Quantum Leap Why else would you be here! |