Movember and all that

It does seem I very rarely update this blog any more and I sure that may have something to do with how busy I have been.

After my last entry I went back and did nothing about cleaning my room the old microwave and television are still in the same place but I have now added a halogen oven to my gadgets and it does seem to make cooking easier – but of course takes up more space on the work surface!

Spent a few hours last night and this morning “sorting” the room as bumped into the landlord yesterday and he mentioned that someone was coming to inspect the place on Tuesday, so that did prompt me to get some sort of appearance of normality in my room. As I have said what must be hundreds of times before it is clutter that is my biggest problem, anyway only one bag of rubbish was put out so not sure exactly what I have done because that is about right for rubbish on a weekly basis.

Attended a council training session the other night, do feel a little guilty about wanting to put my name down for these courses as it costs £30 per person (and is paid for out of tax payers money) and I do feel that maybe that money could be put to better use in the community.

Oh yes I am at the moment sporting a beard – all part of Movember, I know that it should just be a moustache but well it is to raise awareness of prostate cancer and will be gone by this time next week – I will be sure to take some photos of the various stages and post them online.

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