Losing Weight

Well a week since I officially started my (I don’t like the word diet) weight loss program and at times over the last seven days it has been really hard to not just ram a load of food down my throat, especially at night but I managed it somehow. So today I went and weighed myself to find that I had lost 6lbs.

That does give me confidence that I can continue with this but will need to look at the amount of food that I am eating as I woke up at 4am this morning feeling like I was about to throw up – I actually think it was hunger and it was really uncomfortable (I was able to use the time I could not sleep productively doing some transcription work) and managed to drop off to sleep at 7am but when I work just after 9am the same sick feeling was there but soon subsided once I had eaten breakfast.

My energy levels seem to have remained the same which is something I’ve been keeping an eye on, dinner tonight I decided to treat myself and cooked steak, green beans and jacket potato washed down with a pint of Guinness – I did cut the steak in half and really should invest in some smaller plates so that less food actually fills them, maybe when I move.

Yes, I am looking to move out from this room that I have existed in for over the last ten years. It is amazing how quickly temporary become something safe and permanent. I have been looking at some rental agencies and getting an idea of what sort of place I could rent within my budget and feel very positive that I will be living elsewhere by the end of 2015.

Of course any move would be made considerably easier if I had less clutter and I have to admit that my sorting which started just before Christmas has slowed down recently so I will need to get back to that.

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