Christmas Excesses

I am blaming Christmas for the excessive amount I have spent on my credit card but looking back at my statements online it would appear that I began to lose control of the credit card in April 2012 when I spent a fair amount during the month and did not pay it all off as usual. I know that I went to Warminster around this time and some of the spending was associated with that trip. Looking at May things were getting back on track but in June there was a massive spend (again looks like I was away in North Wales)

Since then it would appear that I have been spending more than I have been paying off at the end of the month which is why I has built up in the way it has.

Looks like this will be my first priority of 2013, without using saving reserves I would estimate that the debt should be cleared by May 2013, maybe a little quicker if I can make savings in others areas.

Welcome to 2013

This time last year I spoke about what 2012 had in store for each and everyone of us – that Mayan thing turned out to be just like every other prediction regarding the end of the world!

New Years Eve was spent quietly at home with a few glasses of booze while watching television and watching the customary firework display down in London in HD (High Definition).

Cooked a gammon joint for dinner on New Years Day and put up two new shelves, the quality is of the shelves is dreadful and I wish I had gotten them from another shop. They will of course serve the purpose I got them for and once they are fully utilised I will access the need to get anymore.

During the afternoon as the weather was unseasonably dry and bright I decided to go to Kidwelly to take a walk along the river, it was nice and gave me the chance to take some photos and for some quiet reflection. Sometimes it is good to be alone with your thoughts, this is one of the reasons I love visiting old churches and spending time in the graveyard just thinking about life and other such deep and meaningful things.

I don’t do resolutions but do want to set myself some goals for 2013 just having some trouble coming up with any, so far I want to –
# Make better use of the food stocks I have at home
# Reclaim the floor space in my living space

Will come up with more and will give them a separate entry.