Moving, diets and Big Lunches

Again been a while since I last updated and what a busy few weeks it has been as I’ve been moving. Seems such a long time ago that I moved into a bedsit in Carmarthen (it was July 2002) and was only supposed to be a short term thing but as with other things it becomes comfortable and easy which is why I have remained there for so long.

In the past I have thought about moving somewhere bigger (better) but have never really gotten anywhere with it and the idea has soon passed. I suppose late last year the idea came back into my head and for a number of reasons decided to press ahead with finding somewhere else.

Finally moved in 19th March but have been clearing out the old place for the last few weeks (and clearing out my stuff) and was glad to get my full deposit back from my old landlord this morning, as at the moment all I seem to be getting is bills daily!!

Diet or my reduced eating plan has been a little on/off over the last few weeks as I’ve been missing meals or eating the wrong types of food but weighed myself this morning and have lost another 2lb – this brings the total weight lost to just under 3 stone in the last three months.

The Big Lunch Llangunnor is ticking along nicely have managed to get some volunteers to make the sandwiches, which is a big relief and much cheaper for me to just buy the raw materials and not have to pay for a caterer. Still looking for a cake for the centrepiece and other things like that. Anyone know of a couple of facepainters that would be willing to give their services for free on 7th June?

Diet and all that

And I was beginning to think that I was a little better at keeping things updated here, okay only a quick entry to say that my “Weight Reduction Plan” aka diet is still going well. I weighed myself on the 24th Jan and had lost a further 4lbs and yesterday had lost a further 3lbs.

Was a little surprised as I had been out for the annual council dinner on Thursday, which was a three course meal and it certainly filled me up and maybe that is a good thing as I tried to be careful with my portions and was still feeling full when I woke up the next day!

My fizzy drink intake has reduced considerably and while it is most likely in my head I do think that my trousers don’t feel as tight when wearing them.

In other news I have begun planning a Big Lunch event in Llangunnor and have been looking at options for supplying food – the idea has been up-scaled from a street party type event which would be a lot easier as you could agree with your neighbours who was bringing what.

I can’t stretch to a hog roast which would have been my preferred option but with hopefully over 150 people turning up to what is a free event I need to keep costs low but ensure that everyone has something to eat.

Any suggestions please feel free to comment.


My last entry just under a month ago saw me writing about me wanting to get more involved with the community, in particular with the community of Llangunnor. I am already a community councillor, a member of the parochial church council, litter champion and behind the Llangunnor Network web site.

I also mentioned in my last entry that I was going to be visiting the Eden Project with Big Lunch Extras – (I shall write more of this again) and while this did offer encouragement it also made me realise how lethargic the residents of Llangunnor have become.

A week of events last week had a very poor turn out, okay it could be that the events did not interest people but a talk on “Riotous Carmarthen” pulled in 14 people!

Of course my quiz took place last Tuesday with a first prize of £40 in vouchers and a consolation prize worth £5 to the team in last position it does not take a mathematical genius to work out how well it went with 15 people each paying £2 to take part.

It is not so much the loss that was made it was the apparent apathy of local residents, nothing goes on locally but when something does they would much rather stay in and watch television!

Four faces that I was not expecting to turn up did and I am grateful to the ladies from St Cynnwr Woman’s Institute for making the effort. Nice to see some of the members from Llangunnor Church turn up but I do wonder where the team from Babell Chapel were on that night – I have supported quiz nights that they have held in the past with my overgenerous donations of first prize (£40 for the last two quizzes they have held)

Even taking a loss I am still committed to driving ahead so I look at my next project to latch on to the annual Christmas Tree light switch on. This event is arranged by the community council and it does manage to bring a lot of people together all huddled on the pavement for the 15 minutes it takes to sing a carol or two and switch on the lights – everyone then disappears.

I suggested after the event last year that it would make more sense if we the council invited everyone back to the school for a mince pie and maybe more singing, to actually make more of the event. Members were all for the idea and discussion of speaking to the school PTA were to follow.

I’ve taken matters into my own hands, I have spoken to the local chapel and asked to use it on the evening and have gotten the council to agree to invite everyone there after the switch on – I shall fund the mince pies and drinks myself and am looking to form a lantern parade, something that will extend the event and make it something more than it is at the moment.

Of course there is only so much money I can personally use to support these activities and my hope is that engaging with the community like this would encourage greater participation in future events so that a profit is made and that profit can then go on to support further events.

Community Minded

Here we are at the start of September and I really don’t know what happened to summer, it has come and gone in a flash!

I have been trying to get more involved with the community and helped with a Big Lunch event held at Carmarthen Park in July and will be going to the Eden Project later this month for the weekend which is about helping individuals across the UK create positive change within their communities.

How much one individual can realistically do, especially when I work full time is another thing. Hopes that the community council would be receptive to working in the community appears to be non existent. I shall be carrying out a community quiz at the end of the month, I am funding this myself and I hope that it is well supported (it is very likely going to lose money) as for years local people have complained that nothing every happens around here but when something is organised there is always a long list of excuses as to why no one came to the event.

The last few months has also seen work on my project build up momentum, again this is very much community orientated with being used to preserve the past as well as promoting the community. Work is slow with the old records but I have made some progress with creating information pages for local groups and organisations.

Hopefully give an update as to what happens when I go to the Eden Project later this month.